
Evaluation of the African Development Bank’s Economic and Sector Work

We supported the Independent Development Evaluation Department of the African Development Bank (AfDB) to undertake an evaluation of the AfDB's Economic and Sector Work (ESW). ESW refers to the research and knowledge work conducted by the Bank. The evaluation focused on the planning and budgeting of ESW at the Bank, the technical quality of Bank’s ESW, and the results of ESW, mainly to inform the implementation of the Bank’s Knowledge Management Strategy (KMS) 2022–2031 and the AfDB’s Ten-year Strategy for 2024–2033.

Download the evaluation summary report.

More information on the evaluation is available from the AfDB website.

Evaluation of the African Development Bank’s Ten Year Strategy 2013-2022

We supported the Independent Development Evaluation Department of the African Development Bank (AfDB) to undertake an evaluation of the AfDB's Ten-Year Strategy (TYS) for the period 2013-2022. The evaluation assessed the performance of the TYS over the past decade in terms of relevance, coherence, effectiveness, and efficiency. It also drew lessons and recommendations to inform the preparation and implementation of the AfDB’s next long-term strategy for 2023–2032.

Download the evaluation summary report.

More information on the evaluation is available from the AfDB website.

Ex-post evaluation of the Trade Agreement between the EU, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru

Since 2013, the European Union (EU) has a Trade Agreement with Colombia and Peru in place, which Ecuador joined in 2017. This evaluation, requested by the European Commission, was undertaken over the period April 2020 to January 2022 and analyses the economic, social and environmental, and human rights (including labour rights) effects which the Agreement has had since its application in the various Parties. In terms of evaluation criteria, it reviews the effectiveness, impact, efficiency, coherence and relevance of the Agreement and its implementation. It also comprises a number of case studies to illustrate or add detail to broader findings.

Sustainability impact assessment of Angola's accession to the EU-SADC EPA

The sustainability impact assessment (SIA) of Angola's potential accession to the EU-SADC Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA), as well as of a Sustainable Investment Facilitation Agreement (SIFA) being negotiated between Angola and the EU, analyses the potential economic, social, human rights and environmental impacts of the two agreements, as well as the institutional and administrative capacity of Angola to implement them.

Evaluation of the AfDB Non-Concessional Debt Accumulation Policy

In 2008, the African Development Bank Group approved a Non-Concessional Debt Accumulation Policy (NCDAP) aimed at mitigating the impact of rapid accumulation of such debt on African countries and guiding the use of the Bank's concessional resources.

The evaluation covered the implementation of the NCDAP from 2008 to June 2020 and aimed to:

Study in support of an impact assessment to prepare the review of GSP Regulation No 978/2012

For the European Commission we prepared a study in support of an impact assessment to prepare the review of GSP Regulation No 978/2012 applying a scheme of generalised tariff preferences (the generalised scheme of preferences, GSP). The study analyses a number of policy options for the European Union’s GSP after the expiry of the current scheme at the end of 2023 (now postponed). These policy options were defined by the Commission regarding the scope, coverage and implementation modalities of the future scheme.